"What are your faiths"

Do they impede your success? Not equitable financial,profession alternatively affair but even your basic everyday happiness?

Do you have limiting beliefs That is the base line? These beliefs are stories like

"I cannot lose heaviness It's in my genes Red Bottom Shoes. My parents were the same." "I can't do that. I'm never confident enough. When I'm confident ill do it Red Bottom Shoes." "I can't retention money. Money is something I never seen apt have." "I couldn't start a affair I don't have the phase"I can't begin a business I have a family to advocate"I can't begin a family I have a happening apt escape"

All these are restricting beliefs Notice I use the word 'beliefs'. That means they are never truths However to us they may certainly feel prefer truths Beliefs are just stories that society has impartial told us and we have approved them.

Have you listened the PIKE story? I listened it a long period antecedent after along a Coaching lesson surrounded London last week I listened it afresh and it reminded me.

The Pike Story

A few annuals antecedent one experiment was done. There was a colossal fish tank, and in this fish tank they placed a group of minnows (small fish for the technical folk favor me?!) and they very happily swam nearly Latter aboard they introduced a fine Pike. (Big nasty fish. To the minnows anyhow Obviously being hungry he started apt chomp away.

After a few days of adding more minnows apt feed the pike, they placed a colossal glass tank over the minnows so that the Pike could discern them,only not eat them. For a day or two, the pike would bang his neb aboard the glass tank surrounded try apt acquire apt the small fish, until he started apt study that trying to eat the minnows, was actually very painful! Gradually he backed off and stopped trying apt eat them. But here's the

The Pike was now capable to eat the small fish. BUT he didn't. He left them alone. He had learnt that it impaired to try apt eat them. The minnows swam nearly free with their tails brushing past the Pikes neb and he quit them alone. The sad story is that the Pike eventually died of starvation antagonism the edible being procurable.

Are there opportunities for you apt do colossal things in your life,merely you are equitable not taking them as you learnt that sometimes it hurts a morsel whether it doesn't go as planned? Or it's outdoor of your comfort zone? Have folk alternatively life about conditioned you to think you are never worthy of a fantastic diagram or one amazing life manner?

There are not tanks amid your life!

The food is accessible as the taking. You equitable absence apt begin re programming your empowering beliefs.

"I can lose heaviness It's within my genes." "I can do that. I'm confident enough." "I can save money. Money namely something I always seen to have." "I can start a happening I do have the time"I can start a happening I have a family to support"I can begin a home as I have a affair I control."

When you put yourself down,

All the best

Your Coach Robert SnowIf you need further information just follow this:

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